Thursday, January 27, 2011


First of all, let me express my deep regret to the precious lives that we have lost in this month's stampede at Sabarimala, Kerala. This mind-numbing incident should be an eye opener to Indian society. Here, exploitation of certain misconceptions have created a recipe for an unfortunate tragedy. This incident raises a very serious question - why would the authorities and ordinary people behave in such a highly irresponsible manner, risking the lives of self /others?

It is a very clear fact that such a massive crowd is nothing unusual in Sabarimala during this time of the year, because of the "Makara Vilakku" festival. Pilgrims come from all across South India to see the “Holy Fire”. It is clearly a rational thought that such a fire cannot appear at the same place at the same time every year unless it is man-made. Then, why are the pilgrim not using their intellect? Because, they get an assurance that "God" exists on seeing this “miracle” every year. Which is this God they are seeking for? The answer is written right on top of the temple entrance for everyone to see - "Tatvamasi" (it is you). This divinity called "God" that one comes to seek in the temple is nowhere other than in oneself and for that matter everywhere else. People are gettting more and more educated and exposed to rational thinking, but still vested interests want to maintain "special effects" to capitalize on their misconceptions and increase more crowds to make more money, just as how a retail outlet would behave. Just remember that the government monitoring and controlling the temple authorities is "Communist". Even if it is not, it makes no difference as its all boils down to greed and exploitation. 

It is not just the exploiters that are responsible, it is the exploited too. Society has become insensitive to the concern of others, and other people's rights are trampled upon by misusing freedom. The same applies here too. It is common knowledge, even for those who have not gone to Sabarimala that the crowd there is beyond controllable limits at this time of the year. But still, people go there in huge numbers and thus prepare the ground for such disasters to occur. There is a limit to which authorities, within their constraints can manage such a huge influx of devotees. The result is there for all to see.

It would be a pity for a society proud of claiming to be the heirs of an intellectually wealthy civilization to repeat the same mistake again. What is now required is a massive attempt to de-mythologize and de-mystify the traditional knowledge that this nation possesed, and spread its awareness among people, so that that all of the so-called superstitions ( I would say rather "misconceptions") will be replaced by true knowledge. There are and there will always be those who are infatuated with the crores and crores that the "pilgrimage" industry generates and seeks to exploit public misconceptions.

This sacrifice of valuble human life is not worth it.